Friday, September 19, 2008

My niece's daughter has run away from home. She is 16. Her name is Karen Hoyal. This is a recent photo of her.

Apparently she is with an 18 year old "boyfriend" who is in some trouble with the law. His first name is Aaron. I am unsure of his last name but it may be Bergstrom. As I understand it he currently lives in the Twin Cities but is originally from Mankato MN or at least has some connections to Mankato MN. Apparently he mentioned to friends going either to Wisconsin or to Mankato.

The fact is they could be anywhere. They are believed to have left Sandstone Minnesota in the afternoon or evening on Thursday Sept. 18. Neither of them owns a vehicle but they may have borrowed one.

If you see them please contact the police and let me know as well. Feel free to circulate this information widely.

Please keep Karen and our family in your thoughts.



Dread Val said...

Aleta, I hope your niece's daughter is safe, and will come home soon, or be found. Hang in there.

AletaMay said...


The most important thing, I think, is that she is safe. Once I know that I will feel better.


spacedlaw said...

I do hope she can be found. She is underage, so she would be brought back, although it would be so much better if she did come back from her own will.
More than else I hope she is safe.
She is so young she might soon regret a foolish gesture and call her family so they come and get her back.

AletaMay said...

Thanks Nathalie. I do hope she comes back on her own. Mostly I hope that this guy does not do anything too stupid as he attempts to avoid the police.

Anonymous said...

So scary..I really hope they find her and get her home safe and sound.
And I really hope she realizes that this may not have been the great idea she thought it was. Sixteen is such a hard age.

Unknown said...

(followed your link on Fabulous Lorraine's blog)

I do hope your neice's daughter is found safe, or that at least she manages to call home and let her parents know where she is.

I'll keep her in my thoughts and prayers.

AletaMay said...

Kali and Starshadow -- thanks for your thoughts. 16 is a hard age and yeah, it would be great if she even just contacted someone to let us know she is okay.

EmilyLady said...

This must be very frightening for you and your family; I hope she is found, healthy and safe. Good luck, Aleta.


Jess said...

That's hard and scary-- I hope they find her soon, too, and I hope she's okay. Hang in there, Aleta. Keeping you and her in my thoughts!

AletaMay said...

Thanks Emily and Jess!

We have had no news today (that I know of) except some rumors that she my actually be closer to her home than they first thought.

Thanks for your thoughts and words.